The Trigg County ArrowCats held their annual awards banquet Thursday night at the school cafeteria.
Here are the award winners:
Most Improved: Kayla Bingham and Brent Jones
Top Female: Patsy Banister
Top Male: Jake McNab
Spirit Award: Dakota Overton and Lexie Terrell
110% Award: Lexie Hyde, Kelsey Miller, Tabby Rawlins, and Dallas McCloud
Captains: Patsy Banister and Benton Miller
Most Improved: Hannah Cross and Mark Ledford
Top Female: Sloane Patterson
Top Male: Landon Sumner
Spirit Award: D.J. Wilson and Garrett Brown
110% Award: Cody Brashears, Kameo Bingham, Jordan Futrell, Ryan McCloud
Captains: Jordan Futrell and Ellen Shipley
Most Improved: Jennifer Hyde and Andrew McCord
Top Female: Taylor Davis
Top Male: Grady Cofield
Spirit Award: Timmy Blakely, Kody Davis, Kyler Black
110% Award: Ethan Jones, Andrew McCord, Atalaya Ayala, Caleb Rawlins, and Haley Thomas
Hanging Tough Award: Cody Brashears
Save the Best for Last: Caleb Rawlins, Atalaya Ayala, Haley Thomas, Timmy Blakeley
Hard Worker Award: Josh Hyde, Ethan Jones, and Mr. Shannon Jones
Senior Awards: Ethan Jones, Kody Davis, Atalaya Ayala, and Ronnie Weeks
Captains: Ethan Jones and Jennifer Hyde
A special award was given to Sam and Lynn Cofield for their involvement with the program.
Trigg County Elementary ArrowCats
Trigg County Elementary ArrowCat award winners
Trigg County Middle School ArrowCats
Trigg County Middle School ArrowCat award winners
Trigg County High School Golden Horseshoe Award winners (Top 12 scorers)
Trigg County High School ArrowCats
Trigg County High School ArrowCat award winners
Lynn and Sam Cofield were recognized for their work and contributions to the Trigg County archery program