Trigg County ArrowCats are in Louisville today for the National Archery in Schools Tournament.
Trigg's three schools -- elementary, high, and middle -- will be among 100 schools and 1,800 students at the tournament. Trigg Elementary is the defending state champion.
The daylong tournament begins at 9:15 a.m. at the Louisville International Convention Center on Fourth Street.
“The kids are really excited,” said Jennie Richardson, archery program coordinator for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources. “The winning teams get to take back tournament championship banners – and all the kids want a banner for their school.”
Kentucky began the National Archery in the Schools Program in 2002. The first tournament attracted 651 participants. Since then, the program has spread to schools across the United States and several foreign countries. Still, Kentucky hosts the largest state tournament in America.
Kentucky’s tournament has grown so large that students now must qualify in regional tournaments to reach the state. More than 6,000 students participated in nine regional tournaments held around the state this winter for the right to shoot in Louisville.
The tournament is open to the public. The cost is $5 for adults and $2 for students. Kids under five are admitted free.
The tournament is divided into three flights, beginning at 9:30 a.m., 11:45 a.m. and 2 p.m. Eastern time. The top shooters also compete for college scholarships prior to the 6 p.m. awards ceremony.
Several members of the ArrowCats were on the Saturday Morning Sports Report with me three days ago.
CLICK HERE to listen to the ArrowCats talk about the state tournament and their preparation