The League of Women Voters Forum kicked off Monday night with City Council and Mayoral Debates. Tuesday evening the candidates from two County Magistrate districts debated as well as the candidates for Coroner and Sheriff. Thursday night was the third and final night of the League of Women Voters Forum. The last evening of debates involved School Board candidates and candidates for PVA.
Tuesday night the first debate was between incumbent Charlie Henderson and challenger Jason McCraw for Hopkinsville's 5th Council District. The debate hit heavy on issues of communication and citizen involvement.
Ward 5 City Council Debate
The Mayoral debate between current Mayor Dan Kemp, and Independent Challenger Walter Shambles discussed major issues of encouraging business and job opportunities.
Mayoral Debate
On the first evening several candidates up for election did not get a chance to debate and were allowed a brief moment to speak. Click the link below to hear the candidates speak.
League of Women Voters
Tuesday nights debates were dominated with County candidates.
In the 4th Magistrate Dist. race Republican incumbent Tom Jones and Democrat challenger Jerry Pepper discussed smoking bans and plans for the four years.
District 4 Magistrate Debate
During the second Magistrate debate Tuesday night District 3 Magistrate Mark Cansler and his challenger Robert Webb discussed budget shortfalls and the "Rails to Trails" program.
District 3 Magistrate Debate
The Coroners debate between incumbent Dorris Lamb and challenger Jane McKnight talked about experience, training, and conflicts of interest.
Coroner Debate
On the last night of debates in Hopkinsville, five School Board candidates had time to answer questions and let voters know their positions.
School Board Debates
Angie Strader and John Schmidt squared off in the race for Property Value Administrator. The hot topics were experience and taxes.
Property Value Administrator Debate
Chuck Inman challenger against Livy Levell Jr. for the Sheriff's race, brought up investigations into the sheriff's office while Levell declined to sink as low as his opponent.
Sheriffs Debate
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